Topic Insight

  • Export of Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies (SCOMET) listed in appendix 3 of schedule 2 of ITC (HS) classification of Export & Import Items, shall be permitted only against an export authorization issued in this behalf unless export is prohibited or is permitted without authorization subject to fulfilment of conditions, if any, as indicated under/against any specific category or item.
  • Export permission is required if the SCOMET items are to be physically exported outside the country from SEZ i.e. to another country.

Categories under SCOMET

There are total eight categories of such items. Various categories and licensing authorities in SOCMET are as under:



SCOMET items

Licensing Jurisdiction


Nuclear materials, nuclear-related other materials, equipment and technology

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)


Toxic chemical agents and other chemicals



Micro-organisms, Toxins



Materials, Materials Processing Equipment and related Technologies



Nuclear-related other equipment and technology, not controlled under Category ‘0’



Aerospace systems, equipment, including production and test equipment, and related technology



Munitions List

Dept. of Defense Production

(DDP)/ Ministry of Defense





Special Materials And Related Equipment, Material Processing, Electronics, Computers, Telecommunications, Information Security, Sensors And Lasers, Navigation And Avionics, Marine, Aerospace And Propulsion.


Validity of SCOMET License

The validity period of the export license is 24 months, it can extend for six months and maximum Up to 1 year through revalidation by DGFT regional office on the approval of DGFT Headquarters.

Application Procedure

  • The application for SCOMET has to be applied through online in DGFT Portal.
  • The Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG) in the DGFT under the Chairmanship of Additional Director General of Foreign Trade will consider all requests for export of SCOMET items on merits.


What are dual-use goods and technologies?

Dual-use items are goods, software, technology, chemicals etc. which can be used for both civil and military applications. Such items require an authorization for exporting out of the country. India’s list of items which need an export license is known as the SCOMET list.ountains far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmark

Is export of SCOMET items regulated?

Yes, export of items in the SCOMET list is regulated as per India’s Foreign Trade Policy. Export is either prohibited or is permitted under an export authorization from DGFT, DDP or DAE.

How will industry benefit by the adoption of these additional regulations?

Government and industry have a responsibility to ensure that Indian exports are not accessed by proliferators, terrorist groups and non-state actors. Any export that inadvertently lands up in the wrong hands may have 84 implications for our national security and affect Brand India. These regulations are an important step to addresssuch concerns. Further, global supply chains are increasingly interconnected. India’s trading partners would like to be assured that India’s regulations are in line with the highest standards. Adoption of these regulations is expected to act as an enabler for a greater role for Indian industry in global supply chains for high technology and value added items and strategic sector items.